This post is continuation of the series about a build automation tool called Nuke . Over the time, I will updated this page with links to individual posts :
This Post - Manage your Package Release using Nuke in Github
In our last post, we ran the build successfully in our local machine. But before we check-in, we need to make sure that we have all the required secrets in the repository, such as Myget API key, Nuget API key.
If you are following the series from the beginning, once you checked-in the code, it will trigger the build in Github. But if will get the error as shown below:
So, in this post, we will fix the error and then we will see how to manage the release using Github Release.
Table of Contents
Fix the Issue (Skip if you are not following the series from the beginning)
The error caused due to inadequate “Permissions” to run the Shell. To fix this, we need to add required permissions to the build.cmd and files. Run the following commands in the terminal to fix the issue:
At this point, you can check-in the code and it will trigger the build in Github and will run successfully.But we will check-in once we have completed the release process.
What is Github Release?
Releases are deployable software iterations you can package and make available for a wider audience to download and use.
Releases are based on Git tags, which mark a specific point in your repository’s history
Create a Release
Currently, Nuke doesn’t have a built-in task to create a release. But Nuke uses Octokit to interact with Github. So, we can use the Octokit to create a release.
Create a Release Task
We will create a new task called CreateRelease in the Build.cs file. Below shows updated Build.cs file:
using System.Linq;
using Nuke.Common;
using Nuke.Common.IO;
using Nuke.Common.Git;
using Nuke.Common.ProjectModel;
using Nuke.Common.Tools.DotNet;
using Nuke.Common.Tools.GitVersion;
using Nuke.Common.Utilities.Collections;
using Nuke.Common.CI.GitHubActions;
using static Nuke.Common.IO.FileSystemTasks;
using static Nuke.Common.IO.PathConstruction;
using static Nuke.Common.Tools.DotNet.DotNetTasks;
using System.IO;
using Octokit;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Nuke.Common.Tools.GitHub;
using Nuke.Common.ChangeLog;
using System;
using Octokit.Internal;
using ParameterAttribute = Nuke.Common.ParameterAttribute;
AutoGenerate = false,
FetchDepth = 0,
OnPushBranches = new[]
OnPullRequestBranches = new[]
InvokedTargets = new[]
EnableGitHubToken = true,
ImportSecrets = new[]
class Build : NukeBuild
public static int Main() => Execute<Build>(x => x.Pack);
[Parameter("Configuration to build - Default is 'Debug' (local) or 'Release' (server)")]
readonly Configuration Configuration = IsLocalBuild ? Configuration.Debug : Configuration.Release;
[Parameter("MyGet Feed Url for Public Access of Pre Releases")]
readonly string MyGetNugetFeed;
[Parameter("MyGet Api Key"), Secret]
readonly string MyGetApiKey;
[Parameter("Nuget Feed Url for Public Access of Pre Releases")]
readonly string NugetFeed;
[Parameter("Nuget Api Key"), Secret]
readonly string NuGetApiKey;
[Parameter("Copyright Details")]
readonly string Copyright;
[Parameter("Artifacts Type")]
readonly string ArtifactsType;
[Parameter("Excluded Artifacts Type")]
readonly string ExcludedArtifactsType;
readonly GitVersion GitVersion;
readonly GitRepository GitRepository;
[Solution(GenerateProjects = true)]
readonly Solution Solution;
static GitHubActions GitHubActions => GitHubActions.Instance;
static AbsolutePath ArtifactsDirectory => RootDirectory / ".artifacts";
static readonly string PackageContentType = "application/octet-stream";
static string ChangeLogFile => RootDirectory / "";
string GithubNugetFeed => GitHubActions != null
? $"{GitHubActions.RepositoryOwner}/index.json"
: null;
Target Clean => _ => _
.Description($"Cleaning Project.")
.Executes(() =>
DotNetClean(c => c.SetProject(Solution.src.Sundry_HelloWorld));
Target Restore => _ => _
.Description($"Restoring Project Dependencies.")
.Executes(() =>
r => r.SetProjectFile(Solution.src.Sundry_HelloWorld));
Target Compile => _ => _
.Description($"Building Project with the version.")
.Executes(() =>
DotNetBuild(b => b
Target Pack => _ => _
.Description($"Packing Project with the version.")
.Requires(() => Configuration.Equals(Configuration.Release))
.Produces(ArtifactsDirectory / ArtifactsType)
.Triggers(PublishToGithub, PublishToMyGet, PublishToNuGet)
.Executes(() =>
DotNetPack(p =>
Target PublishToGithub => _ => _
.Description($"Publishing to Github for Development only.")
.Requires(() => Configuration.Equals(Configuration.Release))
.OnlyWhenStatic(() => GitRepository.IsOnDevelopBranch() || GitHubActions.IsPullRequest)
.Executes(() =>
GlobFiles(ArtifactsDirectory, ArtifactsType)
.Where(x => !x.EndsWith(ExcludedArtifactsType))
.ForEach(x =>
DotNetNuGetPush(s => s
Target PublishToMyGet => _ => _
.Description($"Publishing to MyGet for PreRelese only.")
.Requires(() => Configuration.Equals(Configuration.Release))
.OnlyWhenStatic(() => GitRepository.IsOnReleaseBranch())
.Executes(() =>
GlobFiles(ArtifactsDirectory, ArtifactsType)
.Where(x => !x.EndsWith(ExcludedArtifactsType))
.ForEach(x =>
DotNetNuGetPush(s => s
Target PublishToNuGet => _ => _
.Description($"Publishing to NuGet with the version.")
.Requires(() => Configuration.Equals(Configuration.Release))
.OnlyWhenStatic(() => GitRepository.IsOnMainOrMasterBranch())
.Executes(() =>
GlobFiles(ArtifactsDirectory, ArtifactsType)
.Where(x => !x.EndsWith(ExcludedArtifactsType))
.ForEach(x =>
DotNetNuGetPush(s => s
Target CreateRelease => _ => _
.Description($"Creating release for the publishable version.")
.Requires(() => Configuration.Equals(Configuration.Release))
.OnlyWhenStatic(() => GitRepository.IsOnMainOrMasterBranch() || GitRepository.IsOnReleaseBranch())
.Executes(async () =>
var credentials = new Credentials(GitHubActions.Token);
GitHubTasks.GitHubClient = new GitHubClient(new ProductHeaderValue(nameof(NukeBuild)),
new InMemoryCredentialStore(credentials));
var (owner, name) = (GitRepository.GetGitHubOwner(), GitRepository.GetGitHubName());
var releaseTag = GitVersion.NuGetVersionV2;
var changeLogSectionEntries = ChangelogTasks.ExtractChangelogSectionNotes(ChangeLogFile);
var latestChangeLog = changeLogSectionEntries
.Aggregate((c, n) => c + Environment.NewLine + n);
var newRelease = new NewRelease(releaseTag)
TargetCommitish = GitVersion.Sha,
Draft = true,
Name = $"v{releaseTag}",
Prerelease = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(GitVersion.PreReleaseTag),
Body = latestChangeLog
var createdRelease = await GitHubTasks
.Release.Create(owner, name, newRelease);
GlobFiles(ArtifactsDirectory, ArtifactsType)
.Where(x => !x.EndsWith(ExcludedArtifactsType))
.ForEach(async x => await UploadReleaseAssetToGithub(createdRelease, x));
await GitHubTasks
.Edit(owner, name, createdRelease.Id, new ReleaseUpdate { Draft = false });
private static async Task UploadReleaseAssetToGithub(Release release, string asset)
await using var artifactStream = File.OpenRead(asset);
var fileName = Path.GetFileName(asset);
var assetUpload = new ReleaseAssetUpload
FileName = fileName,
ContentType = PackageContentType,
RawData = artifactStream,
await GitHubTasks.GitHubClient.Repository.Release.UploadAsset(release, assetUpload);
CreateRelease is dependent on the PublishToGithub, PublishToMyGet and PublishToNuGet targets. This is because we want to create a release only after the artifacts are published to the respective feeds if the build is triggered from the main/master branch or the release branch.
Make use of
As you can see, the above Task is dependent on the ChangelogTasks. This is because we want to extract the latest changes from the file and add it to the release notes. This is a very useful feature and helps us to keep track of the changes made to the project.
For example, let’s create a new in the root of the project and add the following content to it.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
# Changelog
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](,
and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](
## 1.0.0 / 2022-09-05
### Added
- Initial Release of the package
Once these changes are committed in dev branch, Github Actions will automatically run. You can see the results of the build in the Actions tab:
Our expectation is, it will publish the artifacts to the respective feeds. But, it didn’t. Because we have not added correct parameters in the parameters.json file. Let’s do that now.
Now, as expected, the artifacts are published to the Github Packages. You can see the results in the Packages tab:
But it didn’t create a release. Let’s raise a PR for release branch.It will run the Action again to create a temporary package to test.
Once the PR is merged, the Action will run again and this time it will create a release. You can see the results in the Releases tab:
It will also publish the beta artifacts to the MyGet feed. You can see the result:
Phew!😵 That was a long journey. We have skipped publishing to the NuGet feed because it is very similar to the MyGet feed and hopefully, you have understood the concept.
Here is the link to the source code of the project:
I hope you have enjoyed this article. If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to reach out by commenting below. I will be happy to help you.