Hi Everyone!

This post is continuation of a series about Azure App Service Environment (ASE v2). Over the time, I will updated this page with links to individual posts :

Deploy App Service Environment in Microsoft Azure

This Post - Create a WebApp in App Service Environment

Access App Service Environment Hosted WebApp from Azure Network and from On-Prem

Deploy a WebApp with Azure Sql in App Service Environment using Managed Identity and Private endpoint

Add Custom Domain for App Service Environment Hosted WebApp

In the previous post we have deployed the ASE. In this post we will see how to create a new webapp, so let’s get started.

First thing first. We need to create a new App Service Plan to deploy a webapp. There is no special steps which is required to deploy a webapp in ASE. However, the main difference between deploying a webapp in ASE and a webapp in multi-tenant is Region selection.

Also,You have to choose App Service Plan which belongs to Isolated as one of:

  • I1 210 ACU/3.5 GB RAM
  • I2 420 ACU/7 GB RAM
  • I3 840 ACU/14 GB RAM

First Step is to login into your account and on the top search bar, type App Services and from the dropdown select “App Services”. Select App Services

Now, click on Create app service Create App Service

Now, select your Subscription and Resource Group and put details as below:

Resource Group : appservice-sandbox

Name : sandbox

Publish : Code

Runtime Stack : ASP.NET V4.7

Operating System : Windows

Region : intranet (Newly Created ASE)

App Service Plan : I1 (sandbox-appservice)

Application Insights : Not Enabled

Create App Service

Now, click on Review + create. Overview of app service should look like as below screenshot: Overview App Service

Click on Create to start the deployment, it will take good amount of time. In my case, central-india region took 19 mins, and it varies.

Once the deployment is complete, go to Dashboard and Click on Overview tab to get the URL. App Service Details

Let’s go to any virtual machine hosted in any vnet and hit the URL - http://sandbox.intranet.appserviceenvironment.net, seems not working. Unable to resolve DNS

Try the same from On-premise, Hmm! it is also not working.

In the next post, we will try to resolve this DNS issue.